Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Brothers Bile: Part 0, in which nothing much is said at all.

as I said I am trying to update this site a bit more... occasionally. And what subject could jump-start the creative juices in someone like me quicker than a self assigned rant on things that I loathe. More specifically, pop-culture icons that really get my goat, as well as all other miscellaneous ungulates I have lying about. The idea is one noted figure every week, starting next weekend. Some of the more astute facebookers out there (and also those of you whom I practically waved it at) might have noticed a little taste of that to come. Next weekend with all my best hopes and intentions you shall have the first part of the deluded rant, as well as the subject (or rather, target) of my browbeating for the week after.

Until then, for those of you who haven't seen it, here is the mystery figure that I shall be covering next week.

Just who is this bespectacled prat face?


alien_child said...

Yay! You are updating!, I won't say anything more. Don't want to jinx it, after all :D

eliot! said...

You know I really didn't plan on boring people with a lot of text but I have so much to say about the vile little fanny-wanker. I'm really gonna have to cut it down......

alien_child said...

But I like listening to your rants. They are often funny. Except for the one you posted in response to my music note on FaceBook but only because that was grammatically incorrect but you corrected it later anyway so it wasn't so bad :D