Monday, March 2, 2009

 So I know I promised some rude words about pratty wizards, but well, the  weekend wasn't exactly the cornucopia of excellent time management that I had hoped, as I spent most of it feeling sorry for myself. as last week wasn't the best week in the long and exciting history of weeks. SO anyway, to tide you people by, let me present to you:



alien_child said...

Hahah I bet you drew that in like five minutes.

Awww you spent the weekend feeling sorry for yourself? *virtual hug* hope things are okay now :)

eliot! said...

Well more like fifteen, because of me being sick and all.
It took me the better part of half an hour to come up with the idea, though. Which makes it sound really sad, actually.

And I'm still being sick, so self pity remains a big part of my daily ritual for the moment :)