Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Orange Crush

 Fig.1 Fuck-awesome Pikachu.

Let's see, I said I'd say something about local radio. And here it is.

I hate Hitz.fm. 
I really do. 
Well I don't really hate the music station itself. By its nature Hitz.fm is supposed to be mainstream. It's a music station (one of the three earliest ones in Malaysia or something like that if I recall correctly) that is solely devoted to, well, playing hits (with an 's' though, I feel compelled to point out). No, I don't really hate it.

These are some of the things I hate.
-People who say stupid and/or annoying things
-Parodying of songs in a way that isn't funny or clever
-People who preach on subjects they know nothing about
-Hollow pretention
-The use of the word "y'all"

Which, if you notice, seems to cover every characteristic of a Hitz.fm deejay.

And then that's coupled with my utter disdain for most hip hop music. This is mostly because I feel that hip hop has sort of peaked, dived, and stagnated very early on. The fact that hip hop ideals sort of gravitate towards materialism and self-gratification leads to very little creative experimentation and evolution. 

Well, that's what I think anyway.


So, alright, you caught me, I think that most mainstream artists that make it big here are walking shit factories.

Anyway, I kinda went off tangent for a bit. What I wanted to say today was that local radio isn't all that bad! A few rays of hope pierce the thick blanket-like fog of crap (a confusing metaphor at best).

There is BFM 89.9, which plays awesome stuff. A lot of classic rock. And when I say classic, I do not mean light, airy, bore-you-to-sleep rock, I mean shit-that-stands-the-test-of-time-and-will-forever-remain-pinnacles-of-the-best-anyone-anywhere-could-ever-hope-to-achieve-in-their-lifetime sort of rock! David Bowie, The Who, Morissey, REM, my goodness the list goes on!

And then there's Capital fm 88.9. On the whole it's pretty ok, a lot of 70s pop stuff. But every Sunday from 6-8pm it shall blow your mind. For that is when Capital Indie 101 is on. You shall hear all manner of indie tracks, old and new, some shall make you squeal in recognition, others make you dish-eyed in marvel as never before heard brilliance floods your ears. PLUS they have a facebook group. Even if indie isn't your scene, I suggest you check it out.

Well I'm done. What's next? Who knows. I don't at least. But until then (whenever 'then' is) take care. If you're into the whole safe-living thing that is. I know I am. Well I think I am in any case. Whatever.


alien_child said...


Stumbled across it when I heard John Lennon's 'Imagine' being played. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more kickass than that - I DO listen to Malaysian radio, of course, hence the low expectations - 'Wild Thing' by The Troggs started playing. I've never looked back

chui said...

Eli, I do miss you :) but are capital and Bfm on the same frequency? And I'm using the itouch again right now. You should feel everso honoured ;)

chui said...

Plus. This pokemon obssession's gone too far!

eliot! said...

Pia: I have told you that I kinda dislike Imagine right? I think it's a bit too preachy? Alright, more than a bit :)
Battles is tonight!

Choooi (So that you know that I'm mispronouncing it) : Oops. Corrected :P . Sorry. I read through it like three times and didn't pick up on that. In my defense they're only a digit away :)

And just one Pikachu and I've gone too far? I'm pretty sure that this is many steps lower from flailing on the ground chanting "karp karp karp." I look back and I shudder.

alien_child said...

Ohyeah you're probably at Battles right now *cries* but yeahhhh. I prefer Stand By Me to Imagine, but it was the principle of the thing! Also, I can't help but notice the title of your post - which I didn't before. I LOVE THAT SONG. Actually I think I just love REM in general :D